Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hyper-V Stuck at 53%

Just a weird little issue. Seems that the KB article has been out since March but HP is yet to fix the problem.

If you install any updates to Hyper-V on certain HP servers running their NIC management software, after you reboot you will be stuck on "Stage 3 of 3" at 53%. Luckily there were a few good hits for this on Google and we easily fixed it.

The fix involves booting from the CD and using Repair (which is much improved in Server 2008 - I'm impressed), then renaming a file.

I'm sure the Microsoft KB article would have appeared in my results, however it has 54% instead of 53% (I did find some older references online that had 54% in them).

Here's the article in case anybody else runs into this:

I'm really digging Hyper-V. Yes, I still like ESX too, so I don't want to hear anything from VMWare fanboys.

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